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Versatile plastic impact crushers (plastic shredders) are represented in the broad range: versatile, light, medium, heavy. They can treat different amounts of wastes per hour from 50 kg to 1000 kg depending on the raw materials.

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"Polimerstroy18" Production Company produces crushers for glass and other materials within the range from small mobile solutions to stationary high-performance crushers for industrial use.

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Crushing unit described in this Operating Manual is intended for application in production specialized in polymer-sand products, and is used for crushing of defective products to produce raw materials suitable for further use in the processing chain.

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In the production of polymer products, various types of crushers are used for grinding raw materials. In the catalog
RPK "Rostpolikraft" presents rotary crushers, hammer type for grinding glass and crushers for processing defective products.

Modern technologies make it possible to produce equipment for processing polymers with a reduced noise level characteristic of such equipment. Electrical equipment is easy to operate and maintain, has a warranty period and post-warranty service.

In addition to crushers for processing polymers RPK "Rostpolikraft" offers:

Equipment for composites
Machines for drying sand
Universal faucets
Bagging presses
Equipment for plastic and glass processing
Spare parts for equipment

For more information about the equipment you are interested in and the cost, please contact the company's managers. Prices for plastic and glass crushers and other equipment depend on the configuration.


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