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Compression molds for manufacture of polymer-sand products

A compression mold is the main type of equipment for manufacture of products made of composite materials (polymer - sand).

They are made from alloy structural steels (40X, 45X) with cooling system, heat treatment, which ensures a long service life, high life on the number of moldings using a composite material including an abrasive filler.

The mold is mounted on the hydraulic press having the size of the work table that lets you to fit the mold.

PC "Polimerstroy18" offers a wide range of molds for manufacture of various products of polymer-sand composite

The "Polimerstroy18" company provides services in the design and manufacture of molds for the customer's specifications. Molds can be designed both on drawings of the finished product and based on the product sketches. Main molds are made of high-alloy heat-treated steel that allows you to have high service life in manufacture of products from composite mixture.

The available technical base allows to quickly carry out the production of a mold from the design stage to its manufacturing with high-quality performance.

Structure of Mold

The main elements of the mold are:
  • block consisting of two slabs. One block slab is attached to a stationary part of the hydraulic press, the second is attached to the movable part. The Block includes guide members: columns and bushings, which serve for centering the mold at the moment of its closing.
  • shaping parts (dies, punches);
  • die and punch holders;
  • parts of the ejection system (pushers slab, ejectors, shank);
  • skid bars, providing value of pushers stroke;
  • skid plate;
  • cooling system (cold runners)

Cold runners-platen molds belong to the most simple designs. This is the most common type. They have one splitting line.

For production of more complex products out of polymer-sand composite we offer molds with two splitting lines. (Products with a side lock)

Molds on Customer Specifications

Mold Production Stages

  • Receiving from the customer Requirement Specification, familiarization with oral descriptions of the customer, his sketches, as well as analyzing the conditions, in which the product will be used;
  • Design development; Considering the design of future products;
  • Development of a three-dimensional model using the software;
  • Manufacture of molds in full compliance with all the requirements of the design documentation
  • Production of test product samples

Molds Storage Conditions:

  • Lack of moisture
  • Availability of special racks
  • Molds are lubricated with special substances that provide protection against corrosion.

Storage of molds in proper conditions – this is one of the factors that affect the life of the product. Protect the mold from moisture, dirt, rust, corrosive effects of the environment to the maximum extent.

We offer repair services of molds acquired in our company.


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