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Machine line

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The set is designed for a low-duty manufacture of a narrow range of small size articles such as patio paving slabs and blocks, curbs, flower bed and lawn edging borders, etc.

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Production capacity of the BASIC set is increased in relation to that of ECONOMY set.

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The completeness of the set allows simultaneous molding of 2 articles using the same composite paste. For example such joint products as paving slabs and curbstones, paving blocks and gutters, roof tiles and ridges or roof tiles and verges, etc.

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This set of machines is designed for an intensive manufacture of a wide range of polymer-sand articles including large dimension ones such as sewer manholes, heavy-duty road pavers, road humps, highway curbstones, cattle feedboxes, gutters, etc.

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Подобный комплект оборудования рекомендуется для организации производства с расширенной номенклатурой изделий и характеризуется повышенной интенсивностью производства за счет одновременной формовки на двух прессах. Включение в состав линии пресса Д2432 позволяет изготавливать крупногабаритные изделия.

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