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Features of agglomerators

Agglomerator is a device for grinding and melting polymers & nbsp; in small rounded clumps of irregular shape - agglomerate. It serves as an additive to raw materials for the production of new products - polymer and composite.

Workflows and mechanisms

In agglomerates of any design, thin plastic is intensively crushed and simultaneously, due to frictional forces, appreciably heats up. As a result of the thermal action, the scraps are compacted and sintered. At a certain stage, water is supplied to the working volume, which separates the alloying mass into separate droplet-clumps. This point needs to be carefully monitored. The agglomerate is then dried and unloaded.

To grind waste polymer film and thin-walled packaging, rotor blades are usually used. Such a processing mechanism is also used in agglomerates of the APR brand.

Hardware Features

APR agglomerators are developed, manufactured, sold by the company "Polimerstroy18", effectively grind films, sheets, thin-walled products from high-density polyethylene, or low-pressure polypropylene or polyamide.

Working knives are fixed on a vertical rotor, thus both direct, and reversive their movement is provided. Rotation of the rotor provides the engine with a smooth start. The reinforced bearing bearing assembly is located outside the working chamber, the charging neck can be removed, as well as the ventilated housing with thermal insulation.

The company produces 4 models of APR units, which, depending on the grade of agglomerator and the composition of raw materials, process from 50 to 200 kg of polymer waste per hour

Advantages of Polimerstroy18 products


The production team produces agglomerates of APR with a simple, reliable and safe design. These devices:


They can process a wide range of polymer waste of a small thickness into a high-quality agglomerate

Easy to operate and maintain

removable neck and body make it easy to change knives and clean the working chamber


the reversible movement of the blades prolongs their service life, and the effective insulation of the housing reduces the heat loss to 30%


have high performance indicators

Package Contents

equipped with optional accessories for individual orders


guarantee & nbsp; year, post-warranty service


full package of documents


reasonable price


high quality


we carry out start-up and adjustment works, personnel training


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