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Sand Dryer

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The drum type dryers are designed to remove moisture from bulk materials.

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Automated lines for processing polymers using sand can be equipped with sand drying units. Polymer sand line gives greater performance if you remove excess moisture from the mass of sand, and products made of dried raw materials have greater strength and quality.

In the product catalog PK "Полимерстрой18" is represented by a screw and the drum of the dryer.

Screw dryer-has a system that performs automatic feeding and unloading of the unit for drying sand. Its capacity for dry sand is 1-1. 5 t/h.

Drum kiln for drying sand-equipped with automatic systems for unloading and loading material, conveyor, frequency drive for adjusting the temperature in the kiln and rotation of the drum at the request of the customer. Controlled manually. It has a capacity of 2 – 3 t/h.

The price of a sand dryer depends on the type and configuration of the unit. The selection of the unit for drying the sand mass should be carried out taking into account the performance of the automated production line of polymer sand products.

In the production of products made of composite materials with the filler "sand", at the request of the customer, the lines can be equipped with aggregates for drying sand. Removing excess moisture from the sand mass will positively affect the overall performance of the polymer-sand line.


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