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Installation of roofing materials

Roof installation technology of polymer-sand tiles is not fundamentally different from the usual laying tiles and includes the following steps:

Preparation of rafters

Weight of 1м² of roof tiles is about 16 kg, for rafters use beams with dimensions of 50×150 mm to 60×180 mm. Step of rafters is from 600 to 1000 mm. The greater the slope of the roof, the greater the rafter step, if the angle of the roof slope is greater than 45 °, the step is chosen to be of 800-1000 mm, if the angle is small, the step is reduced to 600-800 mm.

Laying the waterproofing layer

Waterproof layer is laid to the rafters with counter batten for each rafter beam. Laying of waterproofing starts from the edge of the eaves to the ridge, ensuring sag of 20-40 mm. In the valleys perform 200-300 mm film overlap and lay additional band of waterproofing membrane. For ventilation of the space under the roof, waterproofing layer and counter battens on ridges and edges do not reach the highest point on the 30-40 mm. Trim waterproof layer after completion of the roofing works. The edge of the film is taken out of the canopy edge and falls into a gutter.

Preparing the roof battens

For roof battens use timber of at least the second- class, 50 × 50, 60 × 40 mm. When laying battens keep the same step, which is 340 mm. Step of battens on the roof overhang is selected depending on the position of the shower gutter, overlapping of the gutter with tiles can be no more than 1/3 of its diameter.

Mounting and fixing of tiles

Assembling of tiles is started from the bottom row, tile elements are laid strictly right to left.

On the back of the tile there is a protrusion, which engages with the roof batten. Thanks to the side locks the tile elements engage each other and form a bed. Fixing the elements to the rafters is performed through technological holes with screws or nails (preferably anodized hardware to prevent "drip" rust on the roof). Fixing tiles to the roof batten is not rigid - you need to leave a small gap to compensate for tile temperature extensions, loads due to building shrinkage under wind loads and snow pressure.

After laying each third row check for vertical and horizontal symmetry.

For uniform load distribution on the rafters the tiles are laid simultaneously on all planes of the roof.

Trim tiles on roof slope joints with grinder or a hacksaw.

Fixing of ridge tiles

Ridge tiles are attached with screws to the ridge board with providing a small gap to compensate for operating loads. Ridge element should overlap a self-tapping screws that attach the top row of tiles to rood board.

Polymer-sand tile is a modern material that combines the aesthetic property of the ceramic tiles and high performance properties of composite materials:

— Long service life of the roof;
an approximate lifespan of about 100 years

— Reliable acoustic insulation and low thermal conductivity;
no need for additional insulation materials

— High strength;
tiles do not break and crack

— Convenience and ease of installation.
tiles are convenient for installation, they can be easily dismantled if necessary


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