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Recycling business: protecting the environment for profit

Garbage, industrial and household waste – the problem of environmental pollution is becoming more acute every year. To solve this difficult issue, many entrepreneurs organize processing plants where they not only recycle plastic, tires, etc., but also make useful materials from them. Is the recycling business profitable, what advantages does it have, and what will you need to get started? Let's figure it out.

Glass recycling as a business: advantages

  • Recycling tires as a business, glass, and other materials, even in the format of a small enterprise – is a profitable and cost-effective direction. This is facilitated by minimal raw material costs. Indisputable advantages of such activity:
  • Working in the field of waste recycling, the entrepreneur's activities have a positive impact on the environmental situation in the country.
  • In a small processing business, there will never be a shortage of raw materials, because waste quickly accumulates.
  • Wide sales market. Various products that are in demand in many areas can be made from recycled materials.
  • Plastic recycling is characterized by the ease and simplicity of the industrial process.
  • You do not need to have special knowledge, experience and have high qualifications to start a business.
  • The ability to purchase raw materials at a low cost, and often-get it for free.

Starting a recycling business

The most common material for recycling is plastic (plastic bottles, for example). However, absolutely everything can be recycled: wood, household appliances, etc.The more complex the original product, the more complex the recycling technology will be. Plastic, glass, and tires are some of the easiest materials to recycle. The most accessible method of processing plastics is pressing and grinding. These technologies can be applied either individually or in a complex sequence:

  • Crusher.
  • Sorting line.
  • Press.
  • Storage bin.
  • Magnet.

To start a business that processes tires into crumbs, you will need to rent a room, purchase the necessary equipment, negotiate with suppliers of raw materials, and hire staff. You will need relatively small investments. What you need to organize plastic recycling as a business: registration, premises, equipment, cargo transport, advertising campaign.

The equipment for processing of plastics

Equipment in this type of activity is an important part of successful business development. Experienced entrepreneurs say that in Russia you can buy inexpensive, but high-quality units that are not inferior to expensive analogues. List of necessary equipment for plastic processing:

  • Unit for removing small impurities.
  • Installation for the sorting of raw materials.
  • Shredder.
  • Centrifuge for drying, etc.

Waste recycling as a business is an actual direction that brings not only income, but also huge benefits to the environment. Unlimited reserves of raw materials, relatively low costs for the organization of activities, high profitability-all this makes the processing of plastic into pellets a popular and popular business.

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