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Polymer sandwich technology

Technology and raw materials used

The construction industry, as well as the construction materials market, is a dynamically developing and promising sphere of the Russian economy with a high degree of competition.

In modern conditions, new types of materials appear on the market, possessing unique properties and consumer qualities, which distinguishes them from the classical types of substitute goods.

It is to these types of products and include products made of sand-polymer composites, , combining the best properties of both concrete and plastic building materials (high strength and reliability, durability, light weight, attractive appearance and ease of installation)

The composition of the polymer sand composite

Полимерпесчаный материал

Polymer sand composite is an artificially created material that does not occur in nature and combines qualities uncharacteristic of other materials.

The material is obtained as a result of a uniform mixing of the main components (filler + polymer), subject to a specified temperature regime, as a result of which the polymer coats each particle of the filler. With the subsequent molding and solidification of the polymer, the sand mass forms a homogeneous monolithic structure with high strength.

For the preparation of a composite mixture, the following constituents:


Sand Sand

The main filler of the composite mixture is sand, while the technology allows the use of other - similar to sand fillers of mineral and other origin (waste of mining and processing plants, screening, etc.). When using sand, a fraction up to 3 mm is applied, preferably without clay inclusions & nbsp; with a moisture content of 0.1% to 10.3%. The technology under consideration allows to achieve good performance on sand with high humidity, and it should be borne in mind that with the use of sand with low humidity productivity increases.


Polymers Polymers

As the polymer component of the mixture, both primary and secondary polymers can be used. Considering polymer sandwich technology, it is the use of secondary polymers that is the most attractive and cost-effective solution due to the low cost of recycled materials. Polymers of various groups (HDPE, PVD, etc.) can be used for production. Technology allows the use of polymers of different groups, while an important condition is the selection of polymers with the same melting point.


Pigments Pigments

As pigments that impart color to the finished product, both mineral and organic dyes of a wide range of colors from different manufacturers can be used. When choosing organic dyes, one should take into account their resistance to UV rays, as well as to the influence of high temperatures during the preparation of a polymer sand mixture.

Sources of polymer raw materials

Primary polymers
the use of primary polymers is a guarantee of the quality of the raw materials, the raw materials are already prepared for production and do not require any additional processing. The main disadvantage from the use of primary polymers is their incommensurably high cost in comparison with secondary species, which leads to a significant increase in the cost of the finished product.
Secondary polymers
sources of secondary raw materials can serve as points of acceptance and collection of waste, sorting plants, solid waste landfills, enterprises that produce polymer products (plastics plants - production waste, gates, straw, etc.), other organizations that collect, sort and process & nbsp; polymeric materials.


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