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Mounting of the WPC

The main rule that should be observed when installing products from the KDP: as ancillary goods (lags, fasteners, base for decking), use only materials that are not subject to deformation when exposed to atmospheric phenomena.

Wood-polymer composite & nbsp; does not absorb moisture, does not shrink when exposed to sunlight, therefore products made of WPC have a stable geometry and do not deform in street conditions.

In the case of fixing items from the KDP to wooden logs, or fasteners to the wooden flooring, the boards from the KDP can be torn off at the attachment points, because the wooden base will be unevenly deformed due to the dryness or humidity of the air, rot, causing you inconvenience. Wooden logs impregnated with a water repellent composition can be used for fixing the deck only in enclosed spaces, when the flooring will not directly contact the water (covered gazebos and terraces, winter gardens, etc.).

It should also be remembered that 70% of the WPC products are wood, therefore, with certain efforts, in case of laying on an uneven surface, the boards may break (in particular this applies to the garden parquet with its small board thickness).

Correctly fixing the products from the WPC, laying the floorings on a flat surface, you will get a beautiful appearance of your house and plot, forgetting for about 50 years about any concerns related to the need for periodic protection and painting of products, replacement of decayed boards, , additional costs for materials and work. Make it right initially and nothing will overshadow your pleasure from choosing the right materials.

Mounting the floorboard

The floorboard is mounted & nbsp; on a flat solid surface & nbsp; to avoid deformation and breakage of the flooring. Under the flooring it is recommended to prepare a concrete or cement-sand base reinforced with a metal mesh, or a well-compacted surface made of rubble or sand (with a pillow thickness of 3-5 cm).

The floor board is laid on the logs (the lag is also preferably from the KDP), it is collected as a parquet. To the lags the floorboard is fixed with self-tapping screws. Lags & nbsp; are stacked with a distance of 30-40 cm between the lags, under a slope in the direction from the building 0,5-1% of the length of the laid surface.

Distance from the end of the board or lag to the wall is determined based on the total & nbsp; length of the floor covering at the rate of 1 mm of the gap per 1 running meter of the board. & nbsp; The installation of the floorboard does not require any special skills.

Installation of a terrace board (decking)

Decking is mounted & nbsp; on a flat solid surface & nbsp; to avoid deformation and breakage of the flooring. Under the floor it is recommended to prepare a concrete or cement-sand base reinforced with a metal mesh, or a well-compacted surface made of gravel or sand (the thickness of the pillow is 3-5 cm).

Mounting of the diving is done with the help of clips on the logs (the lag is also desirable from the KDP). The logs are laid with a distance of 30-40 cm between the lags, under a slope in the direction from the building 0,5 - 1% of the length of the laid surface.

The distance between the lags, from the end part, should be at least 10 mm. The gap between the terraces in the floor is 5-6 mm. The distance from the end of the board or lag to the wall is determined based on the total length of the floor covering at a rate of 1 mm of clearance per 1 running meter of the board.

The board is attached to the lags by mounting clips and screws 3,0х30, zinc-plated. Clips are taken from the calculation of 28 clips per 1 sq. M. m. of the terrace board. The installation of the diving does not require any special skills.

Installation of wall panels

Wall panels made of WPC are attached to the crate & nbsp; (preferably also made of DPC) with self-tapping screws. The corners are treated with corners of the WPC, which are suitable for decorating both external and internal corners.


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