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Baling Presses

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Baling Presses of Vertical Type. Presses are intended for compacting materials of different types and origin in order to reduce the volume occupied by the compressed material.

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In addition to the press equipment for manufacture of products based on sand-polymer composite, the production company "Polimerstroy18" manufactures hydraulic baling presses of different types. Baling presses are intended for compacting materials of different types and origin in order to reduce the volume occupied by the compressed material.

The use of such presses is relevant not only in the recycling industry, but directly in the sandy-polymer technology. Application of baler not only allows more efficient use of storage space under the material (an increase in mass per unit volume of raw material), but also allows to increase productivity in the subsequent grinding (crushing) the materials as for crusher it is easier to process heavy material of high density in comparison with the light and "fur" material, occupying a large volume.

The available technical base allows to produce hydraulic baling press according to customer requirements, production cost is determined on an individual basis depending on the characteristics of the press.

Approximate values of material density:

Material type Density kg/m3 in bulk Density kg/m3 in a bale
Film materials 13-15 130-320
Aluminum can, packaging 30-45 100-300
Steel can, packaging 90-105 350-600
PET containers, packaging 18-24 120-300
Cardboard 30-60 350-650
Paper 200-350 450-700


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